Bill Benjaminsen

“Imagine my joy! I get to honor and celebrate someone who came to mean so much to me so quickly and I don't even have to write them another sappy card to do so!

From the moment I met Bill, he has continued to influence the decisions I make; actions I take; and thoughts I have. I have yet to read a book, watch a movie, or listen to a podcast that Bill recommended that didn't speak directly to my soul and forever change me. The same goes for each conversation that I have him with him personally: I continue to walk away from each one a better, more reflective human.

Bill says what he means and means what he says, which is something we can all work to improve on. I am so grateful for the opportunity to know him both personally and professionally and anyone else would agree what a privilege it is.

Thank you, Bill, for redefining what it means to be a true influencer in today's world and for leading by that example.”

-Courtney Joaquin


Bashir Khalafalla


Frank Farrow