Essential People Project, Episode Two
In this episode, Scott Rogers, a grocery worker, tells Jamarri Young about what it's like to stock the shelves during a pandemic, including the early days of panic buying, his appreciation for his coworkers, and how he misses interacting with his customers.
"In the beginning, people were kind of upset- and I think nervous, that they don’t know what the future holds," said Scott. "But now there’s people coming up to me saying, 'Hey, man, thanks for keeping the shelves full.' It’s good to see that even with the six foot distance, people are still able to talk to me."
The Essential People Project is designed to amplify the voices of the people considered too “essential” to our city to stay at home during the pandemic. These people have always been essential. Now they’re risking their health, and the health of their families, to support their neighbors. This project is our shout-out to them.
All interviews are done by Everyday Boston story ambassadors, neighbors of all ages who believe in the power of stories to bring us closer together.